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News/Patient Education

Flu Vaccine

Flu vaccine will be available in the beginning of the fall. 

Please contact us to schedule your flu shot before the flu is widespread.

Influenza vaccines, also known as flu shots are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. A new version of the vaccine is developed twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes.

Note: It can take 1 to 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to become effective, so it's best to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Lear more about Influenza (Flu) by visiting

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Protect yourself


What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Learn more about Coronavirus by visiting






                        shortness of breath


Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe complications and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death.

Learn more about Diabetes by visiting


World Hypertension Day

17th May

High blood pressure

       Low sodium diet

            Risk of stroke

Sore Throat or Strep Throat

Strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection. A Streptococcus bacteria (called"group A strep") infects the throat and the tonsils, and it will quickly respond to antibiotics.

Sore throat is usually caused by a virus. This means it will not respond to antibiotics.

Lear more about strep throat and sore throat by visiting

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Keeping a healthy and balanced diet may improve your immune system and help you combat the bacteria.

Wash your hands often.


Migraines are a recurring type of headache. They cause moderate to severe pain that is throbbing or pulsing. The pain is often on one side of your head. You may also have other symptoms, such as nausea and weakness. You may be sensitive to light and sound.

Learn more about Migraine by visiting

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Migraine Solidarity Day

21st June


Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. 

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Learn more about Diabetes by visiting


World Diabetes Day

     14th November


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It may be caused by drugs, alcohol use, or certain medical conditions. But in most cases, it's caused by a virus. This is known as viral hepatitis, and the most common forms are hepatitis A, B, and C.

Learn more about Hepatitis by visiting



Stomach pain

Loss of appetite

extreme fatigue

Nausea & Vomiting

World Hepatitis Day

Most Common Medical Conditions


Stroke • Heart attack • Dementia • COPD • Asthma • Emphysema GERD • Ulcers • Renal insufficiency • Diabetes • Arthritis UTI • Urinary infections • Chronic Bronchitis • Shingles • Cholesterol


Learn more about by visiting

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.


Our goal is to help our patients to better understand their health issues and improve their quality of life by staying healthy.


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To Schedule An Appointment

Call 301-279-2779​

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